Shantell Martin
Artist, cultural facilitator, performer
There are artists who create a sense of wonder, who invite self inquiry, who astonish as they push boundaries. As they explore, they invite us to do the same, and Shantell Martin is one of those wildly talented people. Not long ago, I lived just steps away from The Oculus Westfield World Trade Center where Shantell’s 2019 massive, twenty-one screen video installation prompted viewers to ask themselves: “Are You being You? Are You being true?” Walking through the Oculus, directly across from the 911Memorial —Shantell’s art dominating the entire structure—I felt a profound sense of gratitude and joy. Over the course of nearly a decade, I had watched Santiago Calatrava’s stunning transportation hub rise from the ashes—the structure a symbol of hope and rebirth—and here, Shantell was speaking to us with questions meant to connect us to our own humanity and our deeper selves.
.Shantell has collaborated with a host of other iconic creatives including KendrickLamar, NYCBallet, KellyWearstler, and has garnered more awards than most folks have room to store. She also happens to be a dog lover who wholeheartedly supports animal rescue, her assertive and self possessed pup Blanche, being a rescue herself. It was an honor to document Shantell. She’s one of those rare folks who boldly projects her artistic “voice” across boundaries and genres in the most magnificent way, and yet is one of the most soft spoken, gentle people you could ever meet.
This story photographed at Shepherd Fairy’s LA gallery SubliminalProjects where Shantell’s show “The Future” was on display in Spring, 2022. My tip to art lovers and those seeking inspiration was this: Do what you can to take it in. Maybe you’ll find yourself standing exactly where Shantell and Blanche stood. Now that’s some great energy to take away and put back out into the world.
Photographed at Subliminal Projects, Los Angeles
Photos © Kimberly M. Wang | Reproduction is not permitted.